by Rajneesh | Vedic Wisdom
Importance of Indian Ethos Management Then I thought let this thing be automatically be reflected and concluded from the rest of this post, where I will be talking about the basic theory of Indian Ethos Management for harnessing the processes and means to attain the...
by Rajneesh | Bhagvad Gita, Vedic Wisdom
The one which is all pervading, eternal and infinite is termed as Brahman also known as GOD. We human beings always look towards Him in our difficult times, thanks Him in happy moments and realize ultimately that we may discriminate our behavior with different people...
by Rajneesh | Vedic Wisdom
Dynamic Nature of Cosmos:- Today in our hectic lifestyle when one had to be continuously in action to cope up with the competition and ever changing external scenarios. Where the world around us is dynamic and changing each moment to give us surprises at every...
by Rajneesh | Vedic Wisdom
It is unfortunate that today in our fast paced life; various means to survive in the competition are confused as Goals of life. Whether it is our work place or home, we are so engaged in our predictive rituals of daily routine, in achieving our short term goals that...
by Rajneesh | Vedic Wisdom
Why everything in Cosmos should be governed by Dharma- To understand this we must be able to first of all understand the definition of Dharma. Vedic culture looks at it in a very broad perspective and do not limit its meaning to the domain of a specific religion....
by Rajneesh | Vedic Wisdom
From the very beginning of the cosmos man is trying to find out the answers of various complex and eternal questions about its creation and about its creator both. Scientists are claiming with the help of new and advanced technology they shall be able to recreate the...